Business Succession and Estate Planning Should Be Inseparable
If you’re a business owner, you need an estate plan that effectively addresses the tax impact of transferring your ownership interests to the next generation.
If you’re a business owner, you need an estate plan that effectively addresses the tax impact of transferring your ownership interests to the next generation.
The amount of life insurance that’s right for you depends on your personal circumstances, so it’s critical to review your life insurance needs regularly in light of changing circumstances.
Whether you’re in the process of making a retirement or estate plan or you intend to donate property to charity, you’ll need to know the value of your assets.
A Section 529 program can be an especially attractive estate-planning move for grandparents. There are no income limits, and the account owner giving up to $85,000 ($80,000 in 2022) avoids gift tax and estate tax by living five years after the gift, yet has the power to change the beneficiary.